Amazonian Country Located at he heart of the Equatorial Line
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This site was last updated on: March 16, 2025


Republic of Ecuador

The Republic of Ecuador is located between Peru to the south and Colombia to the north, it may be the smallest South American country on the map, but it is full of the most amazing and diverse landscapes. From north to south and throughout the country we find places full of history, the most amazing colonial architecture, colonial historical landmarks, national parks with impressive and beautiful volcanic lakes, inactive and currently active volcanoes, Amazonian National Parks with modern facilities to accommodate their guests. visitors, and some of the best coastal towns and beaches.

Geographical coordinates2 00 S, 77 30 W

The volcanoes of Ecuador belong to the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes, which is the result of the subduction of the Nazca Pacific oceanic plate under the South American continental plate. One of the things that Ecuador is most famous for is its volcanoes. Ecuador is located in the northern part of South America, shares its border to the north with Colombia, to the south-southeast with Peru and to the west with the Pacific Ocean. The Equatorial Line or Parallel 0 ° cuts the country in the northern part; divides the Earth into two hemispheres, North and South. A unique experience if you stand on the Equator with one leg in each hemisphere. Ecuador's climate, although located in the heart of the tropics, ranges from glacial to tropical. In the region of the Sierra (Andes) the temperatures oscillate between subtropical, warm, cold and glacial. In the Coastal and Amazon regions, you will find temperatures ranging from dry tropical, warm tropical, and high humidity tropical. These factors determined the specific vegetation and fauna of the regions. Temperatures are unpredictable and are marked more by altitude than by calendar. Quito is the capital of Ecuador, an architectural treasure represented in its temples and monasteries that preserve creativity, intellect and art, an indelible sign of its culture. This is where in the past a group of brave adventurers set out for "The Country of Cinnamon". A heroic event that ended with the discovery of the great Amazon River. The old town of Quito is so beautiful that it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1978.


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Adventures That Transform Lives! We are a tourism company with 8 years of experience offering unforgettable adventures throughout Ecuador. From the majestic Andes to the Amazon Rainforest and the Pacific Coast, we have a team of experts who guarantee safety and fun on every tour. Contact us
Ecuador is the example of America. This was demonstrated with the first fight for freedom on August 10, 1809. This event was the beginning of a consolidation of ideas for freedom that was finally achieved on May 24, 1822, with the independence of the Spanish conquerors. Ecuador is divided by two distinct Andean mountain ranges, the "Cordillera Occidental" in the west and the "Cordillera Central" in the east. Home to spectacular and snow-capped volcanoes such as: Chimborazo, Cotopaxi (the highest active volcano in the world), Tungurahua, Cayambe, Antisana, Altar, Iliniza, Sangay, Cotacachi and others that stand as great guardians of the nations. These peaks include some of the highest in South America, totaling about ten peaks over 5,000 meters or 16,600 feet. The subsoil of Ecuador is rich in minerals, some of them in great abundance: oil, gold, silver, zinc, lead, nickel, sulfur, quartz and marble among others. The Ecuadorian economy is governed by two large groups, oil and agricultural products, a third and smaller group is the tourism industry. High-quality oil is found in the Amazon Region and is transported to Esmeraldas on the Pacific Coast through the Andean Region through pipelines. Here the oil is partly processed for domestic consumption and the rest is exported to various countries around the world. Oil represents approximately 30% of Ecuador's total exports. The Coastal Region is home to extensive plantations of tropical products. Ecuador is the world's largest exporter of bananas, other products include: coffee, cocoa, hearts of palm, mangoes, melons and citrus fruits among others. Another important part of the Ecuadorian economy in this region is the shrimp industry. Ecuador has become the second largest exporter of pool-grown shrimp in the world, both in its entirety and in processed products. Tourism in Ecuador is a growing industry, dominated by ecological wealth and cultural heritage Ecuador has several points of attractions, one of the most important sites is the Galapagos Islands, a living wonder that was formed through thousands of years of volcanic activity in the sea. For the mountaineer, the Sierra Alta contains some of the most spectacular landscapes in South America and for explorers, the jungle of the East is loaded with biological diversity. One of the last industries born in Ecuador are flowers. Roses and carnations began to be exported in 1983, since then the plantations have expanded to many different types of flowers that are being exported to countries such as: United States, Spain, Holland and Russia among others. Galapagos, the Coast and the Sierra share a rainy period from January to May; The difference is that the Coast and Galapagos have an average temperature of 80 ° F and the mountains of 60 ° F. The temperature of Quito remains constant and moderate throughout the year, with minimum temperatures of 40 ° F and maximum temperatures of 70 ° F. The Amazon is hot and humid all year round, but the rainiest months are from April to September. Although it is a small country, Ecuador contains within its borders a wide variety of landscapes, fauna and culture. Like most of South America, Ecuador has the mixture of three cultures, the Spanish, the Inca and the local indigenous. Spanish is the official language of the country, but a large majority of the indigenous community speaks the indigenous language. Quechua was the language imposed by the Incas on the local western tribes. Jivaroan (Jivaro) is the language spoken by the Indians in the eastern part of the country. The Jivaro tribes are well known throughout the world as the famous and feared "Shrink-Heads". Ecuador's currency is the United States dollar, adopted nationally in September 2000 to replace the initial currency "Sucre". This is truly a country where a little money goes a long way, many Americans have found their little paradise away from home to retire. Cuenca, the capital of the Azuay province, is one of Ecuador's best secret retreat spots, located in the highlands at about 8,202 feet above sea level with temperatures around 51 ° F (11 ° C) and 75% humidity. The Republic of Ecuador has a Democratic Government elected every 4 years, divided into 24 Provinces that extend from the Pacific Ocean to the heart of the Andes Mountains and cross the Amazon rainforest. Ecuador is geographically divided into four regions: 1.- Coast: Coastal Zone 2.- Sierra: The Andean and inter-Andean plateau 3.- Amazon: The Amazon Rainforest 4.- Insular: Galapagos Islands Your information here! click here ÚLTIMA HORA
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